As part of a thorough assessment of your tooth problem, John will ascertain your options and discuss these with you.
This will include an examination of the whole mouth and oral tissues to ensure teeth and gums are in optimal health and function. If treatment is required, you will be given options and costs. John may also go through steps you can take to help prevent further dental issues.
Digital x-rays
X-rays may be recommended to show the dentist further information about your teeth and assist him in making a diagnosis. With Digital x-rays you will be exposed to far less radiation than conventional X-rays.
Tooth whitening
The dentist will ascertain if tooth whitening is a safe option for your teeth and discuss your expectations and which method will be best suited to your lifestyle and budget.
Preventive care
John will discuss with you your home care and factors in your lifestyle that could be improved or changed to help you maintain optimum dental health, to keep your teeth for life and save you money.
Standard amalgam fillings are available; they are often very good long-term and more affordable option. More often the dentist may suggest to place a composite resin filling which is bonded in place and will look and feel like a natural tooth.
Crowns and Bridges
If you have teeth that are compromised structurally for various reasons then a crown could be a good long-term option for you.
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