  • Braces Specialist (Orthodontist)
  • Children Community Clinic
  • Children Specialist (Paediatric)
  • Cosmetic Dentist
  • Covid Lockdown Emergency Dentist
  • Denture Teeth (Clinical Dental Technician)
  • General Dentist
  • Gum Specialist (Periodontist)
  • Mobile Dental Services
  • Oral Surgeon
  • Prosthesis Specialist (Prosthodontist)
  • Root Canal Specialist (Endodontist)

The Smile Centre is a premium dental practice located in central Hastings providing top quality, comprehensive and affordable dental care for the whole family. We are a close-knit and dedicated team who believe everyone in the community should experience the benefits of modern dentistry so they can wear healthy, confident and attractive smiles.

Dr Martin Geddes, and wife Wendy, bought the Smile Centre in 2006 and have worked hard to maintain a high professional standard of dentistry both before and after the Smile Centre renovation in 2013. The renovations transformed the Smile Centre into a bright, attractive, state-of-the-art dental practice with new dental equipment and improved facilities for patients and staff.

At the Smile Centre we’re focused on preventative dental-care and the preservation of oral health delivered in the most pleasant and efficient manner possible. No matter where your teeth are at today, we’ll work with you to achieve optimum oral health for tomorrow.

Ongoing professional training ensures our skills and expertise are kept up-to-date at all times. We’re also proud to have two fully qualified dentists, a dedicated hygienist/therapist and two experienced dental surgery assistants. 

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