Welcome to Christchurch Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Centre. We’re all about caring for you and your smile.
A minimum of five years of specialist training is required to become an oral surgeon. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialise in the treatment of the mouth, face and jaws.
Maxillofacial surgery includes treating trauma (injuries) such as broken teeth and jaws, and tissue trauma. It also treats a range of other disorders, including of the soft tissues and salivary glands.
At Christchurch Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Centre, we offer a wide range of procedures to help get your smile back including:
Dentoalveolar surgery (to the teeth and bone that surrounds it) which includes removing and transplanting teeth; inserting dental implants; soft tissue or bone grafting; apicectomy (root tip removal); pericision or fibrotomy (detachment of the fibres that attach the tooth to the bone via the gum); and frenectomy (removal of tissue).
Orthognathic surgery which treats conditions of the face and jaws related to structure and growth, temporomandibular (TMJ) joint (the jaw joint); malocclusions (improper bites) or other orthodontic problems.